
Killer Asteroids: Averting the Apocalypse

1 x 52' HD
Killer Asteroids: Adverting the Apocalypse

Trailer - English

Killer Asteroids: Averting the Apocalypse

52' - English

Armageddon : Pourrons-nous échapper à notre apocalypse ?

52' - French

Sixty-six million years ago, a collision with a ten-kilometer asteroid triggered the fifth mass extinction on our planet, wiping out 75% of life on Earth and driving the dinosaurs to extinction. Since then, the asteroids that have struck our planet have been much smaller, causing only limited damage. But scientists warn that another apocalyptic collision is inevitable.

This alarming scenario, hyped in the films "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact", is taken very seriously by international scientists and decision-makers. For several years, they have been cataloging the asteroids and meteorites likely to cross the Earth's orbit one day. So far, an estimated 25,000 near-Earth asteroids threaten our planet; those measuring more than 140 meters in diameter get the most scrutiny, as they could trigger disasters on a planetary scale. To prevent a potential apocalypse, space agencies are developing international defense programs.

In this groundbreaking documentary, planetary scientists, astrophysicists, and engineers from the Japanese and European space agencies reveal the strategies they’re putting in place to safeguard our planet.

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