Battle of Okinawa: Operation Iceberg
1 x 52' HD
Trailer - English

52' - French

52' - English
On the island of Okinawa, in the middle of the Pacific, took place the final and bloodiest battles of World War II, known as Operation Iceberg. For 82 gruesome days, the U.S. and Japanese armies faced each other on land, sea, and air, causing thousands of military and civilian casualties. It was a trench warfare entangled in rain and mud. The small tropical island was turned into hell, as battles raged on despite the Armistice in Europe. You’re about to discover the captivating archive footage of this operation depicting the violence of the decisive battles that ended the war. Despite being well aware of their inevitable defeat, the Japanese fought to the bitter end, following the beliefs of the kamikazes, choosing death over surrender. Exhausted, discouraged, yet victorious at the heavy cost of thousands of lives, the Americans reassessed their strategy in the wake of this battle. Instead of landing in Japan, they resorted to the atomic bomb. Thus, on this small strip of land some 700 kilometers from Japan, the conclusion of seven years of war was sealed, along with the fate of the entire world.