
Clash of Titans - Season 2

4 x 52' HD
Clash of Titans - Season 2

Teaser - English

S2 - S2 -Ep 1: Convoys to hell

52' - English

S2 - S2 - Ep 2: Sink the Bismarck

52' - English

S2 - Ep 3: U-boat Alert!

52' - English

S2 - S2 - Ep 4: Mers El Kebir

52' - English

S2 - Ep 1 : Les convois de l'enfer

52' - French

S2 - Ep 2 : Couler le Bismarck

52' - French

S2 - Ep 3 : U-Boot Alerte !

52' - French

S2 - Ep4: Mers El-Kébir

52' - French

In the 20th century, the oceans became strategic battlegrounds and the world’s major powers built increasingly powerful warships.  Unfortunately, these Clashes of Titans were rarely filmed, and the wrecks of some of these defeated giants now lie at the bottom of the ocean. Coproduced in close collaboration with the famous video game World of Warships, this series immerses us in the greatest naval battles of the 20th century. With the help of historians, engineers, architects and senior officers and thanks to ultra-realistic 3D CGI, each episode drills down into the heart of the superstructures that fought them, uncovering their complex engineering and technological feats.

The first season has already brought us to the discovery of the some of the most famous warships of the 20th century (Midway, Yamato…) and iconic battles (Tsushima, Okinawa…); the second season takes it up a notch and introduces us to the battleship “Bismarck”, the dreadful German U-boats, the extreme and unknown adventures of the Arctic naval convoys, and the story of the French navy during the Second World War!


Ep 1: Convoys to Hell

Ep 2: Sink the Bismarck

Ep3: U-Boat Warning

Ep4: The Story of the French Navy 


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