3x52' 4K
Trailer - English

Trailer - French

52' - English

52' - French

52' - English

52' - French

52' - English

52' - French
Recent events proved that climate change is accelerating (droughts, wildfires, water shortages…). How can we prepare for the inevitable crisis? What are the large-scale solutions to build tomorrow’s world? After the huge success in France of his film Demain (César award 2016), environmental activist Cyril Dion takes us on a journey to discover a new world. Traveling across the globe in over 15 countries, we follow Cyril as he meets with groundbreaking individuals who remodeled a region, a country or a trade. With the help of David Wallace Wells of the New York Magazine, we draw up an assessment calling for urgent action. In Mayotte we speak to militants of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, an NGO opposing the massacre of turtles and taking direct action to save the environment. Let’s not forget those who regenerate the planet and its institutions. Like Felix, a young German fellow who was 13 when he launched the initiative that led to the 1 Trillion Trees Campaign. Thanks to his activism, 20 billion trees were planted around the world. At the end of this amazing adventure, this ambitious series provides us with a new narrative
- 3x52' 4K
- Galaxie, Le Cinquième rêve, ARTE France, Ushuaïa TV
- Thierry Robert
- English, French
- Social Responsibility & Green