16 November 2022
Flower Power: The Mysterious Conqueror wins award at the Paris Science International Film festival!
Flower Power: The Mysterious Conqueror, directed by François Tribolet and distributed by Kwanza, has been awarded the high-school students prize at the 18th Pariscience international science film festival! A most beautfiul reward for a documentary that proves its popularity among younger audiences. The Pariscience Festival presents each year a selection of the best of recent French and international scientific films with the ambition to challenge, debate, and reflect together on a desirable future.
Representing 90% of all plant species, flowers have proven their evolutionary dominance. Flower power has always been, in the words of Darwin, an "abominable mystery"… Until now. The world’s best scientists embark on a breathtaking investigation to reveal the truth behind flowers’ endurance.
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